July 25, 2024

Hotel management system

This is a hotel management system written in C that I worked on. It handles essential operations like booking rooms, managing reservations, and storing customer information. You can search for customer details using a name, phone number, or email by pulling data from a CSV-based booking history. The system also allows users to generate bills, process payments, and cancel room reservations. It includes separate portals for staff and admins to perform their tasks efficiently. There's also input validation and feedback collection built in to make the system more user-friendly and reliable

Sept 13, 2024

Hospital Management System

This is a C program for managing doctor-patient appointments using a multilinked list structure. It allows adding doctors, patients, and scheduling or deleting appointments between them. You can also view all appointments for a specific doctor or patient. The program includes a menu-driven interface for easy navigation and efficient management of appointments.

July 23, 2024


This Python program features a collection of games, each with its own dedicated UI, and includes a central home page for easy navigation between games. Built using the Pygame library, it offers an engaging and interactive experience by leveraging Python’s game development capabilities.

May 16, 2024

Qr maker

This Python program generates and displays a QR code from a user-provided link. It offers an option to save the QR code in various formats (PNG, JPG) using a simple UI for folder selection. The process ends with a system exit sound for confirmation.

May 19, 2024

Drink Water

This Python program functions as a "Drink Water Reminder," utilizing audio and visual notifications to encourage hydration. It plays a sound for 5 seconds using the pygame mixer and displays a notification with a hydration fact using the plyer library. The reminders are triggered every 30 minutes, employing threading to run both tasks simultaneously.